Transition to School in Latin American Countries: Introducing some perspectives and experiences

Angel Urbina-Garcia (Lead / Corresponding author), Divya Jindal-Snape, Bob Perry, Sue Dockett, Benilde García-Cabrero

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    In this chapter, we introduce a book on the transition to school in Latin American countries. This book showcases some of the quality work that researchers from Brazil, Chile, Cuba, and Mexico have done in this field, reflecting how the tran-sition to primary school is experienced and how Latin American educational pol-icies and cultural practices shape such an important process for stakeholders. The book offers the English-speaking world first-hand access to some Latin Ameri-can transitions research, practices, and policies. The chapters in the book are also framed by the COVID-19 pandemic which placed the world in a global health emergency. The authors of the chapters themselves faced a number of challenges as a result of the pandemic when writing this material. It is our hope that this book will trigger future international collaborations between researchers, policy makers, and practitioners interested in transitions which could help produce a wealth of empirical evidence to inform educational policies and transitions prac-tices across the world. This chapter introduces the reader to all the chapters in the book.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTransitions to School
    Subtitle of host publicationPerspectives and Experiences from Latin America
    EditorsAngel Urbina-García, Bob Perry, Sue Dockett, Divya Jindal-Snape, Benilde García-Cabrero
    Place of PublicationSwitzerland
    Number of pages21
    ISBN (Print)9783030989347
    Publication statusPublished - 2022

    Publication series

    NameInternational Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development
    ISSN (Print)2468-8746
    ISSN (Electronic)2468-8754

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Education
    • Developmental and Educational Psychology


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