Tunable ligand discrimination via kinetic sorting

Purushottam Dixit (Lead / Corresponding author), Andrew Goetz, Ralitsa Madsen

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint


Kinetic proofreading is a class of non-equilibrium mechanisms that allow biochemical sensing networks to discriminate between cognate and non-cognate ligands. Proofreading is typically invoked in the context of error correction and therefore is often inflexible in its discrimination in favor of the cognate ligand. This discrimination is achieved when a multi-step and energy consuming reaction pathway is irreversibly restarted with a rate proportional to the thermodynamic stability of the ligand-bound complex. Here, we present a novel non-equilibrium and tunable kinetic sorting mechanism that allows signaling networks to modulate ligand discrimination in direction as well as in magnitude. In our model, the ‘restart cycle’ associated with traditional proofreading is coupled with a topologically distinct and ligand-identity independent cycle, e.g., through receptor degradation or activity-induced desensitization. The signaling network can kinetically sort the non-equilibrium flux of receptors bound to one of the ligands towards degradation/desensitization and the other through the restart cycle. This preferential diversion of the non-equilibrium flux allows the network to switch its ligand discrimination by altering biochemical processes that are not specific to the identity of the bound ligand, thereby allowing cells to respond to ligands in a context-specific manner. Our model recapitulates several observations related to paradoxical ligand discrimination by the Epidermal Growth Factor pathway. Given the ubiquity of receptor degradation, activity-induced desensitization, and other similar cycles in cellular signaling networks, tunable ligand discrimination using kinetic sorting is likely to be broadly applicable.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2024


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