Using audio-diaries for research and education: AMEE Guide No. 144

Arun Verma (Lead / Corresponding author)

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For this AMEE Guide, we explore the process and application of an evolved tool known as the audio diary. Diaries are a type of qualitative method that has long been advocated for in healthcare education practice and research. However, this tool has been typically underestimated as an approach to capturing how individuals' experiences change over time. In particular, this longitudinal method can nurture a stronger partnership between the researcher and participant, which can empower participants to share their reflections as they make sense of their identities and experiences. There is a wider issue concerning how to use and implement audio diaries in medical education research, this guide outlines a foundational process by which all levels of researchers can use to ensure the purpose, application and use of the audio diary tool is done with quality, rigour and ethics in mind. The processes presented are not a prescriptive approach to utilising audio diaries as a longitudinal method. This AMEE Guide serves as an opportunity for researchers and educators to consult this resource in making decisions to decide whether the audio diary tool is fit for their research and/or educational purpose and how audio diaries can be implemented in health profession education projects. This guide discusses and addresses some of the ethical, operational and contextual considerations that can arise from using audio diaries as a tool for longitudinal data collection, critical reflection, or understanding professionalism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1346-1352
Number of pages7
JournalMedical Teacher
Issue number12
Early online date9 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2021


  • Medical education research
  • professionalism
  • teaching & learning
  • work-based

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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