What is Land? Nodes of a Meditteranean Journey

Yorgos Berdos, Konstantinos Zves, Yorgos Lavantsiotis

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Posing the question “What is land?”, this project raises urgent questions in relation to the future of the Mediterranean Sea and the population flows to Europe. The architectural treatment of this problematic—which is overdetermined by the socio-political conjecture, but also by the global climatic change—is taken over by the analysis penetrating the project, lying on the edge between metaphoric and literal thinking and shaped into a highly sarcastic socio-spatial comment. This comment is disguised and worked out as a complex, almost technical, architectural project. An island that has limits but has no borders is proposed as an artificial ground, in deliberately naive and innocent, clinically detailed architecture drawings, as a metonym for the loss of the “commons”, promising the emergence of a new communal cohesion.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)232-247
Number of pages16
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2020


  • Territory
  • land
  • island
  • traveller
  • network
  • infrastructure
  • nation
  • exchange
  • sovereignty
  • Territorio, tierra, isla, viajero, redes, nación, intercambio, soberan


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