Youth Work and Fragility: Securing Young People’s Futures through Relational Practice

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper



This paper will reflect on how community education can contribute towards solving the fragility outlined in the conference title. It will demonstrate how destabilising trends impact negatively on young people, and will explore how youth work supports their adaptability and resilience. It will draw from an evaluation of a unique Partnership between one Scottish local authority and a charitable trust safeguarding universal youth work services throughout the district, to highlight how community education fosters inclusion and empowers young people to play an active role in the lives of their communities.


The paper will draw on data generated through practitioner interviews and focus groups with young people. All discussions took place in the youth work settings where participants were involved in either delivering or accessing universal youth work provision. Discussions captured participants’ perspectives on the impact of the Partnership’s youth work provision, and identified elements of practice that could be replicated in other districts to achieve similar outcomes.

Main Findings

The inquiry found that the universal youth work offer is valued by the young people because it is so inclusive, and that practitioners are committed to anti-discriminatory practice to facilitate wider participation. Informal approaches have resulted in young people achieving outcomes unlikely to be achieved in formal settings, contributing to their enhanced wellbeing and resilience. The value of the professional relationships between practitioners and young people was foregrounded, with skilled adults able to support young people navigate complex challenges by tailoring their provision to address individual needs, even within group contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2024
EventScottish Education Research Association (SERA) Conference 2024: Education in a Fragile World: Past, Present, Future. - Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom
Duration: 27 Nov 202429 Nov 2024 (SERA Conference 2024 information)


ConferenceScottish Education Research Association (SERA) Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleSERA
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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