Quality of Life and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease
: an Omani Context

  • Waleed Alrajhi

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    Background: ESRD is a serious and irreversible condition. Understanding the impact of ESRD and its treatment on an individual's QoL is important. There are limited studies found that assess QoL and Health-related QoL in Arab Muslim patients, and Oman in particular.

    :  A cross-sectional, correlational study was conducted in four phases. Phase One explored the conceptual basis of QoL and how that has been assessed in ESRD patients. Phase Two explored the understanding and acceptability of the concepts within Omani patients using cognitive interviewing and individualised QoL instrument. Phase Three tested the feasibility of the main study design. Phase Four assessed the level and predictors of QoL/HRQoL from 13 haemodialysis units across Oman; and tested psychometric adequacy of key measures using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.

    Phase 1: showed inconsistencies and inappropriate us of the terms QoL and HRQoL in literature. A range of measures used to examine QoL/HRQoL.

    Phase 2: revealed some cultural sensitivities in two items of the SF36v2 and QoLI-D measures but generally were accepted. The SEIQoL-DW instrument supported the finding that QoL is a meaningful concept but one significant difference was the importance and universality of religion/spirituality as a key aspect of QoL.

    Phase 3: showed that chosen study approach was feasible and acceptable. Six nurses were identified and trained to support in patient recruitment and data collection.

    Phase 4: participants were 445 with mean age 46.59. Majority were male (56.3 %), married (62.5%), and employed (37.5%). Significant impairment in HRQoL was found for most of SF36v2 scales: PF 52.24, RP 54.24, BP 56.72, GH 53.18, VT 52.90, SF 60.50, RE 56.25, MH 63.75, respectively. Anxiety and depression symptoms were the most significant predictors and fatigue and pruritus were next. Also Muslims patients with ESRD encounter difficulties in performing their religion obligations due to the disease.
    Psychometric testing revealed that SF-36 is a three-factor structure with the inclusion of a separate role functioning component; and HADS one and two factor solutions were supported.

    : future studies should continue to identify factors that influence quality of life and determine interventions that enhance a person’s sense of well-being.
    Date of Award2018
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Dundee
    SupervisorJanice Rattray (Supervisor), Martyn Jones (Supervisor) & Abdullah Al Battashi (Supervisor)

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