Stop and Search in Scotland
: An Analysis of Police Practice and Culture in a Time of Change

  • Estelle Clayton

    Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


    This research explores how frontline officers experienced, responded to, and enacted the reform of stop and search in Scotland. I foreground the experiences of those tasked with enacting stop and search to reveal the mechanisms that have leveraged, and acted as barriers to, the implementation of stop and search reform into practice, and the significance of these for questions of police identity and organisational reforms in policing. This research follows a particular period in which stop and search in Scotland transformed from a politically inert practice into one which was drawn into the heart of public and political debate and which prompted largescale redress.
    Date of Award2022
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Dundee
    SupervisorMegan O'Neill (Supervisor), Jonathan Mendel (Supervisor) & Anna Souhami (Supervisor)


    • Stop and Search
    • Organisational culture
    • police culture
    • Police reform
    • organisational change
    • Professional identity
    • organisational justice

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