Thermodynamically Consistent Phase-Field Models and Their Energy Law Preserving Finite Element Schemes for Two-Phase Flows and Their Interaction with Boundaries

  • Lingyue Shen

Student thesis: Doctoral ThesisDoctor of Philosophy


Phase-field theory is a powerful method which is widely used in dealing with multiphase problem in fluid dynamics in recent years. In this thesis, models of moving contact lines and vesicle motion, deformation and interaction would be established with phase-field method. Energy variational approach is used to derive the governing equations from some basic energy assumption. C0 finite element scheme is given to perform numerical test. Continuous and discrete energy decaying law are also given to prove the feasibility of the model. Finally, numerical simulation is applied. A number of results in different conditions are shown. By comparing with experimental data from previous research, the models are proven to be with good accuracy.
Date of Award2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Dundee
SupervisorPing Lin (Supervisor) & Irene Kyza (Supervisor)


  • phase-field
  • vesicle motion
  • vesicle interaction
  • moving contact line
  • General Navier Boundary Condition
  • energy preserving
  • finite element method
  • discrete energy law

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